Our stash represents a significant investment in terms of money, time, and heart-space, not to mention storage space. How can we best protect that investment from damage?
Moths are a major threat to your stash. Some fibre folk have a tradition that it is bad luck to spell the word out completely; online, you’ll see it written as “m-ths,” “m&ths,” or “m@ths,” following the same principle that giving out your true name will give others power over you. But the way I look at it, avoiding the word, and perhaps the reality behind it, gives moths waaaayyy too much power over us. It’s not a word we stashers ought to be hiding from. By the end of this article, I hope you feel that you can be the Boss of Moths—and not the other way around.
Featured image by Zoe Desborough; other images courtesy of Sandi Wiseheart