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Tag: IndigenousHistoryMonth

I Must Share My Gift for It to Grow

“As an Anishinaabe Ojibway kwe (woman) I have been taught that we need to live by sharing our gifts,” writes Malinda Gray. “My gift is beading, and I practice the Anishinaabe philosophy of Mino-Biimaadiziwin, or living the good life. In line with this life philosophy I must share my gift for it to grow.”

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Me, Dan Levy, and the Mighty Bead

“I knew enough about Canada’s history to know that the story is almost always told from the perspective of what we in the writing world refer to as an unreliable narrator—a very white, very colonial narrator.” When Dan Levy invited his Instagram followers to take the University of Alberta’s Indigenous Canada course, our writer eagerly signed up.

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