One of the participants in the Sistering Spun Studio program wrote this prose poem to express her gratitude for the support she was given. We publish it here with thanks to the author, and to Sistering.
The open door to my grieving heart; the helping hands to my broken soul; the listening ear to my lost self; the friendly staff and volunteers that made me feel safe; the place that saw my brokenness yet believed in me, encouraged me, and strengthened me to be able to stand again and start gaining confidence, to know that I could start over and could rise above my troubles…
Participating at the Spun Studio with Sue and Barbara, whose dedication to all of us in their group, allow space for us to feel, safe, understood, and valued. We learn new skills, we form new friendships, reduce isolation, and through art, crafts, and needle work, we begin healing.
Doctor Judy, Doctor Lucy, and other medical staff, Teya in counseling, and the many other services that Sistering provides to women in need, without discrimination of any kind, FREE of charge, and with a wholesome approach, are the reason that many of us today are still here, and continue to live a safer, healthier and happier life.
The place that cares for us and takes us as we are, to help us pick up the broken pieces, retrace a new path, and rewrite our own story. Thank you Sistering, for what you do every day for all of us women.
Featured image courtesy of Sistering/Spun Studio.