There are many ways to create and add decorative embellishments to knit, crochet, or sewn projects. A few common decorative features include pompoms, tassels, and fringe—all of which can add a fun or dramatic touch to any handmade project. While commonly seen on home goods like pillows or tablecloths, decorative attachments can also be added to garments and accessories. Pompoms can be added to the tops of knit hats, tassels can be added to shawl points or the ends of tablecloths, and fringe can add a decorative touch to a scarf or wrap. While these attachments are decorative, they can also serve another purpose: adding weight to a project. If you have a shawl or tablecloth with ends that curl or lift, a few well-placed tassels at the points can add enough weight to keep them in place.
Before you can add colourful—and functional—embellishments to your next project, you need to know how to make them. Pompoms, tassels, and fringe only require a few supplies and are fairly simple to make and attach to your project.
All photos by Tonia Lyons.