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Category: Kate’s Column

Kate Atherley is co-founder and co-publisher here at Digits & Threads. She writes a regular column that often, but not always, involves deep-dives into aspects of knitting.

Image description: Eye chart seen through lenses of glasses; in the lenses the chart is in focus, otherwise it is blurry. Credit David Travis on Unsplash.

The Willow Cardigan: Kate’s Version

[Open Access] Editorial Director Kate Atherley knits as her primary craft, but when we received designer Stephanie Erin’s pattern for the Willow Cardigan, she flexed her crochet muscles to make one for herself. Read about the slight modifications she made, and see her cardigan in action!

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On Yarn Selection and Substitution

[Open Access] Just because a designer chose certain materials for a project, based on a variety of considerations, doesn’t mean that crafters need to use the same. When choosing supplies for a project, a crafter should take those same factors into consideration: personal values, ethical and environment concerns, access, cost, fibre content, brand, colours.

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How To Substitute Yarns in Knitting & Crochet

[Open Access] Substituting yarn involves more than simply finding a yarn of a similar weight. In this article, I cover many of the things you should consider, and why. I also provide some advice to designers and publishers to help them ensure that crafters can easily use yarns they love to make their patterns.

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