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Letter from the Interim Editor: April 2024

24 April 2024
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Greetings from Toronto, where the cherry blossoms say it’s spring, but we’re all afraid to put away our parkas and boots—just in case we jinx it.

As you hopefully read in our recent update, Digits & Threads Co-Founder and Editor Kate Atherley is on hiatus. I have stepped into her (figuratively) very large boots as Interim Editor to keep our publication schedule rolling—and what a schedule it is!

Before I get to some of the exciting things we’ve got planned for you this spring, let me introduce myself. I’m Michelle Woodvine: editor, writer, botanist, knitter, and ever-curious, inveterate tinkerer. I’ve been involved with D&T since October 2020—first as a Founding Member, then as a contributor, and eventually as copyeditor and contributing editor. In that time, I’ve had the great pleasure to get to know many of our multi-talented members and contributors, as well as some of the fascinating people whose stories we share.

I believe that Digits & Threads fills a unique gap in the Canadian fibre and textile community. The stories we bring to our members—whether in-depth tutorials, deep-dives into technique and design, intimate profiles, or historical essays—reflect our community: who we are, where we’ve been, and what we want our future to look like. It is an honour to be a part of this community and to share in the telling of these stories. I’m so glad you’re here to experience them with us.

Join us this spring as Sahm Jalbert follows up her introduction to punch needle with a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a delightful, leaf-motif pillow; Zoe McDonell takes us on a tour of the band-weaving world in a new series that includes inkle and tablet weaving; and Michale Raske brings us a profile of shepherd Carole Precious. Plus, you’ll be able to catch up on the latest from our fan-favourite Studio Hours gatherings, and find out what’s happening around the corner—and around the country—in Common Threads, our round-up of fibre and textile events.

Thank you for your support—we wouldn’t be here without you!

Got a story you’d like to share? An idea you’d like to pitch? Want to tell us about an upcoming fibre event or exhibition? Fill out this form to share your pitch with me and sign up here to receive our calls for submissions.

Digits & Threads Is a Member-Supported Independent Online Magazine

The articles, tutorials and patterns we publish about Canadian fibre and textile arts, crafts and industry are made possible by our members.

Featured photo credit: Michelle Woodvine.

Copyright © Digits & Threads except as indicated.

About Digits & Threads

Digits & Threads editors.

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