Digits & Threads is no longer publishing new content, but please enjoy the archives, which will remain available through the summer of 2025.

Author: Digits & Threads

Archive Deep-Dive: Techniques & Tutorials

If there’s one thing we love here at Digits & Threads, it’s getting very nerdy about fibre and textiles. Over the years, we’ve worked with many brilliant contributors who share this passion, and who have prepared detailed, clear tutorials and thorough, insightful articles about how to make things. Here’s every tutorial and technique-focused article we have ever published!

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Archive Deep-Dive: From BC to Newfoundland

Digits & Threads launched in the first fall of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it was a balm during lockdown and the dark days of winter to virtually explore all that’s going on in fibre and textiles across the country. Over the years, we have continued to publish articles that are rooted in place, and we hope you enjoy these visits as much as we have. Here’s the full list!

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Archive Deep-Dive: Sustainability

As we adapt to a changing climate and work to keep those changes as minimal as possible, here’s everything we’ve ever published about sustainability in fibre and textiles. From the decisions we make about the materials we use in our crafts and art to how to mend and repair our textiles so they last a long, long time—there’s so much we can do, from tackling that pile of socks that need mending to engaging locally, regionally and nationally to advocate for a healthy planet.

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